Sledding slope in Ttukseom Hangang Park

Hello there! long time no see.
I'd been so busy for my semester, and it's all over yesterday.
So, I'm searching for something special for the left of this year!
Let me show you one of them.

Sledding slope opens at Ttukseom Hangang Park!

I think it is very nice for who are too busy to go skiing because it usually takes more than a day .
Have you ever ride it? 
It's been so long time I rode it and it is one of my nice old memories.

Large slopes(for adult) & small slope(for children)

Children’s Snow Playground (No Fee)

Pirate Ship (Fee: 3,000 won)

Bungee (Fee: 5,000 won)

These are what you can enjoy in Ttukseom Hangang Park.
This Sledding slope will open from 17/12/18(sat) ~ 18/02/18(sun).
The opening time will be from 9AM to 5 PM.

The entrance fee is 6,000won for everyone, but if you wanna take Pirate Ship or Bungee,
there will be more fee as I note above.

I'll show you the exact location not to wander around.

All pictures and information is from 

Have a nice holiday:)

The PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games : debt and rip-off festival

Are u doing well?

Today, I am going to talk about the PyeongChang Olympic Games.
I'm so angry.

I am not pleased to have held the Olympics in PyeongChang.
because It will be more damaging than the economic effects of the Olympics.
This has already been proven by the Brazil Olympic.
I am worried about PyeongChang after the game.
Of course, I do not think it will be successful anymore.

There are a lot of bad charges for hotels near PyeongChang.
Do you know how much it costs to sleep one night?
Do not be surprised.
400,000 won!!
just kidding me? 400,000 won per one night?
Although I am the same Korean, but this is so shit!
What's even more amazing is the price of a two people room.
The room of family unit is 700,000 ~ 1,000,000 won !!! 
1,000,000 won is same $924.
These are not good hotels.
They are just like motels.

I'm convinced that the food is several times as expensive.
everything is over price.

So, I will never go.
It is real.

They do not accept Korean reservations.
Only foreigner.
They will charge an excessive fee to foreigners.

Please do not go.
Just watch the TV....

I forgot to tell you, if you have 400,000won, you can sleep in a good hotel in Gangnam, you can take a taxi to Pyeongchng.
I recommend it.

The government, which felt it was serious, said it would impose sanctions on excessive accommodation fees, but I do not know if it will work.

Usually stay in PyeongChang for 40,000~100,000 won.
10 times the usual price.

Don't go.
Watching TV.

Hey check this underground cafe :) "AZ cafe"

Hello again :) I just found a underground cafe like a hideout the cafe name is
“AZ cafe”.
#.1 The location
It is locate 5 minutes from the “Konkuk Univ entrance station”(which is line number 2 , the green line) after you arrive at the station get out from the entrance number 2 and turn left and go straight and the when you find the “seven eleven” convenient store it is right next to it. below is the location map.
#.2 AZ cafe
The cafe is locate under ground and the entrance looks like this.
(The one who is posing is my friend haha.)
and these are the interior view.
#.3 Good news
 The good news is the cafe opened recenlty and they are helding a event :)
They serve you americano for just 2000 won and other coffees for a very cheap price :) and since it is new the cafe is clean and the atmosphere is a bit calm. So if you want a coffee for a low price you might want to visit here :) ah in case you didn`t notice the cafe closes a bit early (10:30pm) so you better hurry.

2017 European Christmas Market!

Hello there!
It's about 2 weeks I'm here again.

Today, I will introduce
2017 European Christmas Market

Through the above picture, you can obtain much of information you need.
In this event, you can experience European culture and sentiment.
This event includes traditional christmas' foods, ornaments, pop concerts, and so on!
For foods and ornaments, you can taste or buy them!
you must pay 3~7,000 won for foods.
If you wanna experience or miss European culture, I recommend it strongly.
Certainly there will be so many Europeans who could be your friends.
Totally about 25,000 people will come to this event!

In this page, you can see the pictures about 2016 European Christmas Market.
It seems to be so funny!!

Have nice weekends!

Information from Korean Tourism Organization, Seong-buk gu

[별내 카페거리 맛집] 카피라이터가 운영하는 내 인생 최고의 카페 - Paul & Arti

한때 별내 카페거리를 정말 자주 갔었습니다.
왜 자주 갔었을까요?ㅎㅎㅎㅎ하핳ㅋㅋ
여튼 자주 갔습니다.
무튼간에, 별내 카페거리는 거의 섭렵했었으나
지금 소개해드릴 카페를 만난 이후 다른곳으로 가지 않았었습니다.

paul & arti

사실 이곳을 가장 먼저 포스팅했어야 했습니다.
제가 정말 정말 너무나 좋아하는 카페거든요.
이 카페를 자주 갔을 당시엔 블로그는 커녕 sns도 거의 하지 않았을 때라
만약 sns를 하게 되면 꼭 올리고 싶었던 카페였습니다.

카페 내부는 대략 이렇습니다.
일단 카페거리 대부분의 카페들이 그렇듯, 천장이 높습니다.
생각보다 평범한 인테리어입니다만, 깔끔합니다. 군더더기 없어요.

그런데 제가 왜 이토록 추천을 하는것일까요....?

1. 일단, 모든것이 진짜 끝내주게 맛있습니다.

진짜.....너무 맛있습니다.

커피도 맛있는데 특히나 홍차가 너무나 맛있습니다.
웨딩 임페리얼, 그리고 아이스티 정말 강력하게 추천합니다.

제가 여태 먹었던 홍차와 아이스티 중에 손꼽는 맛입니다.
아니 어떻게 아이스티가 그렇게 맛있을수가 있는지....진짜 대박 맛있습니다.
투썸플레이스에서 TWG로 아이스티를 만들어서 팔던데 이런맛이 안납니다...
맨날맨날 마시고 싶은 그런 아이스티입니다.
정말 이 아이스티의 레시피는 꼭 알아내고싶은데
왠지 영업비밀이라고 알려주시지 않을것같아 아예 질문조차 드리지 못했습니다.
진짜 너무 맛있습니다. 강추... 매우강추...!!!

티팟과 찻잔은 각각 1개씩 세트인가봅니다.
일행과 가면 보통 홍차 하나와 케이크 하나, 혹은 홍차 하나 커피 하나를 시키는데
항상 티팟에 맞는 찻잔은 하나만 나옵니다.

그리고 기본적으로 홍차를 시키면 수제 초콜릿을 주십니다.
이것도 정말 끝내줍니다..... 맛있어... 너무나

당근케이크는 늦게가면 거의 없습니다.
저게 한피스에 4,000원인데 정말 군더더기 없이 깔끔한 당근케이크입니다.
'난 당근케이크야!!!!!!'하고 자기 어필을 아주 강하게 하는 녀석입니다.

2. 정말 한적합니다.
왜인지 모르겠지만, 이 카페에 들어오면 시끄럽게 떠들수가 없습니다.
이 카페가 갖고있는 분위기가 있습니다.
차분함 그 자체입니다.
이상하게 이 카페의 손님들은 대체적으로 조용합니다.
카페 사장님마저 조용합니다.
사장님의 목소리는 정말 중저음에 나긋나긋합니다... 부럽습니다 사장님의 그 목소리.

아, 그리고 선곡이 끝내줍니다.
의외로 장르가 굉장히 다양합니다.
그런데 이상하게 다 좋습니다.
이 카페에서 좋아하게 된 노래들이 꽤 됩니다.
대체적으로 차분한 노래들이 나오는데 한국가요부터 해외 올드팝까지 정말 다양합니다.
그리고 카페거리 가장 끝자락에 위치해서 인적이 드뭅니다.

3. 대접받는 느낌입니다.
사실 음료가 나오기까지 다른카페보다 시간이 조금 더 걸립니다.
하지만 사장님이 음료를 준비하시는 모습을 보면 이해가 됩니다.
정말 정성스럽게 음료를 준비하십니다.
그리고 직접 갖다 주시는데 정성스럽게 테이블에 놓아주십니다.
정말 사장님 최고입니다....흑흑

카페를 나오면 바로 이렇게 천을 따라 산책로가 있는데
걷기에 참 좋습니다.

아직까지 이보다 좋은 카페를 보지 못했습니다.
음료들의 맛, 카페의 분위기, 사장님의 매너
모든것을 아울러 아직까지는 제 인생 최고의 카페입니다.

별내 카페거리에 가게 된다면 꼭 들러주세요.
언젠가 별내를 들렀을 때 이 카페가 망해서 없어져있다면 너무 슬플것같습니다.

이상 제 인생 최고의 카페 리뷰였습니다.
사랑해요 폴앤아티......♥

Doredore rainbow cake (real subjective)

Today, I tell you about a unique dessert.
I received a cake for someone I know.
So I went to a cafe to eat and did my homework.

When I first received it, I was surprised at how big it was.
And when I ate, I was surprised again.

Because there was no taste!!!
really, no taset...

It is not sweet and tastes like cheese.
Originally, it is cheesecake, but the color was so colorful that I thought it was sweat.
my mistake...

And it is dry and crumbling. I do not know what to say... like mud, clay..?

Obviously, if you do not eat with coffee, you will not be able to breathe.

I will not buy it if I am.
But if you are a instagram user, I recommend going.
It is true that the cake is beautiful. So unique.
If you like cheese cake like clay and you want to make good photos, go.

The cafe is on the third floor of Star City.
It is a chain store like Starbucks, so if you search for DoreDore, you'll see other places.

That piece of cake is 8,500 won.
so expensive.
but, cake so big, you will be full.
coffee is 4000 ~ 6000 won.

Do not sue me. haha

Hey how about a warm Korean style noodle to melt down the winter :)

 Hey my hands are freezing and needs something warm to melt the winter down, So I am going to post a restaurant that is near by Konkuk University. The restaurant name is “쌍둥이네” (the name meaning is The twins but they written the name in Korean as 쌍둥이네 so I just written it in korean to find it easily.
#.1 The location
  The location is right below :) it is in the inside so a bit hard to find but when you come to the Seoul children grand park get out at the entrance number 3. and go straight until you can see the sign “Konkuk University” and turn right and go straight and enter into the first corner U see and go straight and there will be a two ways and go the left and you will find the restaurant.
#.2 The food
 The restaurants main menu is “kalguksu“ (handmade chopped noodles) So if you don`t know the menu and wondering for the menu just order “kalguksu” and after a moment they will give you “kalguksu” and additionally Jeyuk Bokkeum (Spicy Seasoned pork) they don`t charge for the pork (The pork is for free Hurray :) )
I go there a lot because the taste is good and also warm :) I strongly recommend this restaurant if you have a chance :)

Sledding slope in Ttukseom Hangang Park

Hello there! long time no see. I'd been so busy for my semester, and it's all over yesterday. So, I'm searching for somethi...