ITX(Inter-city Train eXpress) - new paradigm of a train trip

Hello! I'm newbie for providing some information about seoul.
I guess some of you wants to get out of seoul, go trip to other regions of korea sometimes.
but if you can't be out of your daily routine, I recommend you what I introduce from now on.

ITX(Inter-city Train eXpress)
-new paradigm of a train trip-
if you have heard about KTX, you will understand easily.
ITX is a train like KTX, but you can't go everywhere by taking ITX.
that's a difference between KTX and ITX.
if you take ITX, your destination will be limited to chuncheon, Kang-Won Do.
Here is a linemap of ITX.

Yong-san ~ Chuncheon 98Km
용산에서 춘천간 운행구간이미지입니다. 총 거리는 용산~춘천 98.0km 입니다. 주요역들을 표시한 이미지입니다.

I'm sorry that all of station is noted in korean language.
the last station Chuncheon is one of the famous tourist sites.
you can take it from yong-san station, or sang-bong station, and it takes about 1hour.
so if you wanna go trip to Chuncheon, you can do it for just a day.
I've gone there by it for a day without any remorse.

From now I will note some information for taking ITX.

Fare : 7,300won(yongsan ~ Chuncheon)

you can book a ticket from station, smartphone application, Korail homepage, etc.
this table informs fare to main destinations.


normal discount
general seats : 5%(week days)
standing : 15%(weekend, holidays)

public discount
baby : free
child : 50%
the old : 30%, weekdays
disabled : 30~50%

A commutation ticket : 45~60%, weekdays

group : 10%, over 10 people

lastly, I'll show you the structure of ITX.
ITX 차량 구조를 설명한 이미지입니다.ITX 차량은 1~8호차까지 있으며 일반화장실, 수유실, 장애인화장실, 장애인석, 자전거거치대를 보유하고 있습니다.

the left first is the first train, and right first if the last train,
can you see that the fourth and fifth are little more larger than the others?
these are multi-floor!!
when I took second floor, I felt something different.

every pictures and information is from
if you want more about ITX, refer this page.

I wish you have a nice trip!!!

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